Voyage through Lands  | Medina Gjashi
Is Identity an Individual Thing or an Overall Collective? | Storm Webb
Visual Artist: Visual Branding and Product Merchandising | Migle  Vosyliute
IMPACT | Heba Mahmood
Girl Behind the Mask | Subeen Lee
Solipsism Syndrome | Misaki Shimizu
Always Watching | Pattie Wozniuk
Ciao Bella! (Hey Beautiful) | Federica M Galimberti
Petra Minjevic S/S 22 | Petra Minjevic
The Process of Thought | Meda Kinaite
THE HUNT | El-Mar Cabello
Vivid reality | Liva Pastore
Raven’s Rose  | Britany Reynolds
Human Mind | Stefan-Marian Celmare
Anatomy of a Killer, Covid 19 in socio – political and other contexts | Terézia Kucbelová
Anam Cara | Daragh Drake
Entertaining Tragedy | A and A
Ethereal Romantics | Imaan Tanvir
Untitled | Sam McGovern
Behind the closing doors | Yuan Luo
Recent Illustrations & Designs | Evie Warren
Sea Creatures | Georgina Agisiloan
Evîn/Evin | Dilara Sigirtmac
'Tango' | Jade Purulak
My music | Kamila Kuch
IDENTITY | Maria-Angelina Karagineva
Lockdown Life  | Chloe Butler
Still Local / mustbejohn | John McCartney
Cloud | Kamal Ismail
Infinity Room | Yizhuo Hazel Jiao
External vs Internal Identity  | Scott Flowers

Westminster Degree
Show 2021